Benefits of Same-Day Dental Implants

Apex, Raleigh, NC Teeth need to be able to function properly for a person to participate in everyday activities like speaking and chewing. Missing teeth not only disrupts the functionality of the teeth and mouth, but it affects a person’s self-confidence. At Triangle Periodontics, we understand how important your smile is to you. That’s why we offer same-day dental implants, … Read More

What to do after Dental Implants

Apex, Raleigh, NC So you just got dental implants — now what? Dental implants are so similar to natural teeth that they require little more care than the real things! Due in part to their striking similarities, dental implants have become a wildly popular, gold-standard, permanent restoration option to replace a missing tooth, multiple teeth or a tooth that needs … Read More

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Apex, Raleigh, NC According to the American College of Prosthodontists, approximately 120 million people in the United States have lost at least one permanent tooth. Are you one of them? If you’ve been living with missing teeth, dental implants may be the solution for you. No other method of tooth replacement has greater strength and stability. However, implants also come … Read More

What’s the Best Age to get Dental Implants?

best afge for dental implants

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Missing teeth can be an embarrassment, no matter your age. Most people seek a tooth replacement option that’s reliable and provide a long-lasting solution to replace one or more teeth. Because the dental implant fuses to the jawbone, it creates a permanent attachment while maintaining bone density. However, not every patient who wants to … Read More

The Best Tips to Prepare for Implant Surgery

implant surgery preparation

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Surgery, no matter how simple, can be frightening. But, the dental implant procedure is not as scary as you think. Dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime and, with a bit of preparedness, can be a good experience. Our Raleigh implant dentists at Triangle Periodontics encourage patients to arrive at the operation … Read More

Why Dental Implants are a Good Investment in your Smile

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Dental implants have long since been dubbed as the best choice for replacing missing teeth, although the treatment has been popularized in recent years. Whether you need to replace an entire arch of missing teeth or just one missing tooth, dental implants restore bite functionality and your smile’s aesthetic. However, patients may opt for … Read More

When to see your Periodontist about your Dental Implants

see your periodontist about dental implants

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Dental implants are a revolutionary way to replace missing teeth. Resistant from decay, these titanium posts help prevent jawbone loss, teeth from shifting, and they help stabilize the bite. With a success rate of nearly 98%, most patients will not encounter any issues after the surgical placement of their implant. However, certain warning signs … Read More