5 Reasons Why Tooth Extraction is Necessary

extraction may be necessary

Raleigh. NC An extraction is a dental procedure where a tooth is removed. This procedure removes a tooth from its socket, clinically known as the alveolus. Extractions can be performed by oral surgeons, dentists and periodontists. At Triangle Periodontics, Dr. Otis Washington will assess your oral care needs and determine if an extraction in Raleigh is necessary. There are 2 … Read More

Can Gum Disease be Reversed?

reverse gum disease

Raleigh. NC Gum disease, caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar, is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. The disease grows in stages, starting as gingivitis and, if untreated, evolving into advanced gum disease, or periodontitis. Bleeding, irritated and/or swollen gums are typical signs of gum disease, which most American adults will experience at some point in … Read More

Should my Gums Bleed While Brushing?

should gums bleed

Raleigh. NC Sensitive gums can sometimes bleed a bit when brushing or flossing, especially if someone is brushing too hard with a hard-bristled toothbrush or flossing aggressively. Minimal bleeding is normal and not generally a cause for concern. If, however, your gums are red, swollen and irritated, or if they bleed frequently while brushing and flossing, it’s time to reevaluate … Read More

Is it Time for a Dental Checkup

dental checkup

Raleigh. NC Scheduling regular dental visits is important, so why do many people find it difficult? After all, the main purpose of a regular checkup is to make sure there are no problems and to maintain oral health. If the teeth and mouth feel and look fine, it is easy to put off visiting the dentist to use that time … Read More

Benefits of Seeing a Periodontist in Raleigh


Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Gum disease is no laughing matter. Untreated gum disease can progress into a severe condition called periodontitis that can cause tooth loss and jawbone damage. Unfortunately, periodontal disease is uncurable but is treatable by a periodontist. With nearly half of adults in the U.S. inflicted with gum disease, how can you stop it and … Read More

What’s the Best Age to get Dental Implants?

best afge for dental implants

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Missing teeth can be an embarrassment, no matter your age. Most people seek a tooth replacement option that’s reliable and provide a long-lasting solution to replace one or more teeth. Because the dental implant fuses to the jawbone, it creates a permanent attachment while maintaining bone density. However, not every patient who wants to … Read More

The Best Tips to Prepare for Implant Surgery

implant surgery preparation

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Surgery, no matter how simple, can be frightening. But, the dental implant procedure is not as scary as you think. Dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime and, with a bit of preparedness, can be a good experience. Our Raleigh implant dentists at Triangle Periodontics encourage patients to arrive at the operation … Read More

What Should I do if I have Bad Teeth?

bad teeth

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Your smile and oral health condition can contribute to how you feel about yourself and your overall appearance. When you have a less-than-perfect smile, it can be challenging to feel confident. The good news is that you aren’t alone, as many Americans have poor oral health. According to the CDC, over a third of … Read More

Is it a Big Deal to Ignore Gum Disease?

gum disease

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina People with poor oral hygiene often discover gum disease at the dentist. Unfortunately, some may ignore the warning and the problem, even though many will try to improve their oral health. Unfortunately, advanced gum disease could cause severe health conditions that may lead to death. Our Raleigh-area dentists explain why gum disease is a … Read More

Why Dental Implants are a Good Investment in your Smile

Apex, Cary, and Raleigh, North Carolina Dental implants have long since been dubbed as the best choice for replacing missing teeth, although the treatment has been popularized in recent years. Whether you need to replace an entire arch of missing teeth or just one missing tooth, dental implants restore bite functionality and your smile’s aesthetic. However, patients may opt for … Read More