Can Age Disqualify you from getting a Dental Implant?

age for dental implantsApex, Raleigh, NC

When it comes to replacing lost teeth, receiving a dental implant is the best treatment choice that you can make. Implants are fixed in the mouth and no other method of tooth replacement can match an implant for form, appearance and function. Although there are many advantages to receiving an implant, this procedure is not right for everyone. While certain factors can disqualify someone from an implant, age is not one of them. Your implant dentist in Raleigh Dr. Otis Washington explores this topic in greater detail today on the blog.

Tooth loss is widespread among senior citizens

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tooth loss is quite widespread among older Americans. Approximately 26% of adults over the age of 65 have eight or fewer teeth, while 17% of adults in that age demographic have lost all of their teeth.

Many senior citizens turn to dentures as a method of tooth replacement, but dentures have their issues – sore gums or difficulty chewing, along with the possibility of dentures slipping and shifting in the mouth. Quality of life is crucial, especially as we age. Feeling good about your smile can go a long way at that stage in life. It means you can socialize, eat, and visit with family and friends with confidence.

Should older patients receive implants or dentures to replace lost teeth?

We recommend implants. As mentioned earlier, implants represent the finest method of tooth replacement currently available in the field of restorative dentistry. Implants restore more chewing ability than any other type of tooth replacement. Once the implant procedure is complete, you do not have to worry about any adjustments or repairs.

How do we determine if an older patient is a candidate for implants?

The first step in any implant procedure is to meet with Dr. Washington for a consultation. At this appointment, he will include a review of your medical and dental history, while also conducting an examination of your mouth to determine your current oral condition. This information is used to determine your candidacy for an implant procedure. For senior citizens in particular, this evaluation includes four key factors: overall health, oral health, bone health and medications.

One thing to consider for older patients is that they tend to heal more slowly, so it might take up to a month longer before the procedure can be completed with the placement of a crown. You can expect to stay on a diet of soft foods for several weeks after the placement of the implant screw to aid the healing process.

Implant dentistry for senior citizens in Apex, Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina

You want to have the highest quality of life possible during your golden years and that means having a fully functioning smile. It’s never too late to replace your missing teeth with dental implants. Invest in your smile and your future. Consider receiving a dental implant from Dr. Washington and the team of oral health professionals at Triangle Periodontics. To schedule your consultation, call our office at (919) 782-9536 or contact us online.