Benefits of Same-Day Dental Implants

Apex, Raleigh, NC Teeth need to be able to function properly for a person to participate in everyday activities like speaking and chewing. Missing teeth not only disrupts the functionality of the teeth and mouth, but it affects a person’s self-confidence. At Triangle Periodontics, we understand how important your smile is to you. That’s why we offer same-day dental implants, … Read More

What to do after Dental Implants

Apex, Raleigh, NC So you just got dental implants — now what? Dental implants are so similar to natural teeth that they require little more care than the real things! Due in part to their striking similarities, dental implants have become a wildly popular, gold-standard, permanent restoration option to replace a missing tooth, multiple teeth or a tooth that needs … Read More

Gum Disease

Apex, Raleigh, NC Gum disease – also known as periodontal disease – is a condition in which the teeth, gums, and even the bones of the jaw become infected. Its typical cause is bacteria (which naturally occur in the mouth) and the acid these bacteria produce. This acid attacks the enamel of the teeth, which brings about a process called … Read More

What to do Before and After getting Dental Implants

what to do before dental implants

Apex, Raleigh, NC Are you missing one or more permanent teeth? Dental Implants  may be the solution for you. Implants are permanent, stable tooth replacements. The post, a screw made of titanium, is surgically placed into the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. This creates a replacement for the tooth root and ensures your replacement tooth is stable. … Read More

Does Exercise Affect Gum Health?

exercise and gum health

Apex, Raleigh, NC We all know the benefits of regular exercise on physical health. It helps, for instance, lower the risks of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. But researchers have also found that regular physical activity helps lower the risk of gum disease and the inflammation and infection that lead to it. Read on to discover how living an … Read More

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Apex, Raleigh, NC According to the American College of Prosthodontists, approximately 120 million people in the United States have lost at least one permanent tooth. Are you one of them? If you’ve been living with missing teeth, dental implants may be the solution for you. No other method of tooth replacement has greater strength and stability. However, implants also come … Read More

How to Deal with Tooth Sensitivity

Apex, Raleigh, NC Do you find yourself avoiding hot, cold or sweet foods and beverages because consuming them causes your teeth to hurt? If so, it’s time to talk about sensitive teeth … Sensitive teeth could have many causes, some of which may be able to be addressed at home. Since thinning tooth enamel is a primary culprit for sensitive … Read More

Why Gum Disease Requires a Deep Clean

Raleigh, NC Gum disease – also referred to as periodontal disease – is the general name for when the teeth, gums, and even the bone around teeth become infected. Gum disease is ultimately caused by bacteria in the mouth and the acid the bacteria produce. This acid attacks the enamel of the teeth, which brings about a process called “demineralization” … Read More

When to be Concerned about Bleeding Gums

bleeding gums

Raleigh. NC If you notice that your gums often bleed while brushing or flossing, it’s a good sign that you may have plaque or tartar building up on your teeth near — and possibly under — the gum line. If this is the case, it’s time to up the ante on your oral hygiene practices. Are you brushing at least … Read More

5 Reasons to Treat your Gum Disease

treat gum disease

Raleigh. NC We’re all more conscious of our health these days.  Did you know about the health threats that gum disease poses? Gum disease is a bacterial infection that affects your gums–the soft tissue surrounding your teeth. In its advanced stage, periodontitis, this disease could destroy the bone that supports your teeth, resulting in loose teeth or even tooth loss. … Read More